Florida Statement
Statement from the Progressive Librarians Guild Concerning the Dismantling of the State Library of Florida
The Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG) condemns the recent actions of Florida Governor Jeb Bush to dismantle the Division of Library and Information Services and to disperse valuable collections held by the State Library in trust for the people of Florida. The PLG calls the Governor to task for feigning support for education and services to the public while taking actions that eliminate free access to information and erase the cultural and historic memory of the State.
The PLG deplores the faulty reasoning that elimination of library and information services is somehow "cost effective," knowing that free and open access to information is an invaluable, necessary part of a truly democratic society. We urge the Governor and Legislature of Florida to reverse these decisions and to ensure the continuation of all State Library services to the people of Florida.
Approved by the PLG Coordinating Committee
March 11, 2003