Chapter guidelines
Instructions to create a chapter
PLG allows and encourages the establishment of local, regional and student chapters. To establish a chapter, a minimum of three library workers or library/information school students must submit a letter/email of intent, along with the name, email, telephone, and mailing address of the chapter's contact person. Mail to:
Progressive Librarians Guild
MLIS Program
St. Catherine University
2004 Randolph Avenue #4125
St. Paul, MN 55105
Chapter members are strongly encouraged to become PLG members. To join PLG, click on Join and follow the data entry and payment procedures provided by MemberPlanet. Chapter members should join at the membership rate that best fits their financial status. Membership in PLG includes a subscription to the journal Progressive Librarian and full access to PLG's listserv (only available to members).
Chapters will determine whether or not to collect additional dues from their members, and are wholly responsible for finances. PLG membership dues are $25/year regular and $10/year student/low income. Chapters agree to PLG's statement of purpose, and operate within the spirit of socially responsible activist librarianship that PLG strives to embody. Chapters advance the program of PLG by making it concrete in local activities, by contributing to PLG's national efforts, and by working with and through PLG as a whole.
PLG Coordinating Committee (Revised November 2015).