Progressive Librarian | Issue #45
Winter 2016/2017
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Why PLG? Why paper? Why bridge generations?
by Elaine Harger, page 3 [.pdf file]
Librarians Against Rape Culture!: Raising Consciousness to Uproot Sexual Violence
by Aurora Cobb, page 8 [.pdf file]
Libraries, sustainability and degrowth
by Edgardo Civallero and Sara Plaza Moreno, page 20 [.pdf file]
ALA, IFLA, and Cuba
by Al Kagan, page 46 [.pdf file]
Overdue Books: Returning Palestine's "Abandoned Property" of 1948
by Hannah Mermelstein, page 66 [.pdf file]
"Reflecting the World Increasingly Made Right": From Response to Action in Public Libraries
by Julie Edwards, page 87 [.pdf file]
The Devil's Advocate: Librarians in Wikipedia
by James E. Scholz and A.D. Beman-Cavallaro, page 95 [.pdf file]
I'll Drown My Book: Visibility, Gender, and Classification in The University of Arizona Poetry Center Library
by Sarah S. Kortemeier, page 101 [.pdf file]
Libraries Under Occupation: A Conversation with Palestinian Librarians Randa Kamal and Diana Sayej Naser, 26 June 2016
by Rachel Mattson and Tom Twiss, page 113 [.pdf file]
A flurry of press releases: ALA offers support... followed by retraction, and an apology to members (11/21/2016)
page 128 [.pdf file]
Discovering the ALA Annual Conference
by Sarah S. Kortemeier, page 132 [.pdf file]
Union Library Worker Blog. 2016 Review
by S. Barriage, E. Harger, K. de la Peña McCook, page 135 [.pdf file]
Pirate Philosophy: For a Digital Posthumanities, by Gary Hall
reviewed by Justin M. White, page 169 [.pdf file]
Class and Librarianship: Essays at the Intersection of Information, edited by Erik Estep and Nathaniel Enright
reviewed by John Pateman, page 173 [.pdf file]